Inqusitive multidisplinary designer &
developer based in Switzerland with a focus on Design Management. b

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01 / Front-end Dev. 02 / User Research 03 / Social Design 04 / Sustainability

01/ Front-end Development

Vanilla Javascript Weather App

Design + Code

Weather application coded with Vanilla Javascript with Openweathermap API integration for live weather information. Features a day & night background which changes according to your local time.

Design + Code

Iterated version of the previous weather app but in React.js. It allows you to search for the weather at any location. Includes a Celcius and Fahrenheit temperature slider. Created with OpenWeatherMap API integration for live weather information.

React.js Weather App
React.js Dictionary App

Design + Code

React App that allows you to search for any word definition and pronunciation. Includes pictures that are associated with the searched word. Created with Dictionary API and Pexels API.

02 / User Research

Ethnographic research + Prototype design

The project scope is based around the problem: "Why working as an elevator technician is not considered as a career for young Swiss women?" and what can be done to change this reality? The problem is more than meets the eye.

03 / Social Design

Ethnographic research + Prototype design

The scope of the project is to tackle a social issue, which is the lack of accessibility and availabe services that offer a discreet sexual health services and information to girls and young women.

04 / Sustainability

Research + Prototype design

The scope of this project, is to examine an existing product in terms of 'Design for Sustainability' and how far have the parameters for this design approach been considered. Followed by developing a sustainable concept proposition with the core in mind, the implementation of a Cradle to Cradle life cycle.

Research + Analysis

The scope of this project, is to research and identify areas of opportunities that would enable medical packaging, namely the blister product to achieve circularity in it's product lifecycle.